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  1. The HFO acknowledges receipt of your complaint in writing and informs you of the name of the rapporteur handling the case. If necessary, the HFO shall ask you for additional information.
  2. If the HFO is not competent to review it, you will be informed in writing no later than three (3) weeks after receipt of the complete case file.
  3. The HFO shall forward the complaint file to the bank or investment company with questions, comments and suggestions in order to facilitate a consensual settlement of the dispute. Each party shall be informed by the HFO of the arguments put forward by the other party and may make comments thereon.
  4. In the event that an amicable settlement of the dispute cannot be reached, the HFO may make a reasoned, non-binding recommendation to resolve the dispute, which shall be communicated to the parties. The parties shall then notify the HFO in writing within ten (10) working days whether they accept the recommendation in full and final settlement of the dispute.
  5. If agreement is reached, the HFO shall inform the parties in writing.
  6. If one of the parties does not accept the recommendation of the HFO, the later shall inform the parties in writing.
  7. Exclusively for consumer disputes: (a) the submission of a complaint to the HFO results in the interruption of the prescription and limitation period, while they start again (subject to the provisions of Articles 261 et seq. of the CC) from the completion of the mediation procedure (i.e. the HFO written refusal to examine the dispute, drafting of a record of failure or settlement) (Article 11 of CMD No. 70330/2015); and (b) a copy of the record of settlement drawn up by the HFO may be submitted by any of the parties, at the Secretariat of the Athens Court of First Instance. From its submission, if the record of settlement contains an enforceable claim, it shall constitute an enforceable title, pursuant to Article 904 par. 2 subpar. g’ CCP (Article 9, paragraph f CMD 70330/2015).